Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 it's licensees and affiliates collectively are committed to protecting the privacy of its users, adhering to the principles of trust, integrity and professionalism in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards.
To better understand how Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 protects your privacy when you deal with us online we provide this Privacy Policy, which explains our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.
To make this Privacy Policy easy to find, we make it available on all of our website pages including every point where personally identifiable data may be requested. Our policies and practices adhere to the "Ten Principles of Privacy" which comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and corresponding provincial privacy acts.
The Ten Principles of Privacy
1. Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428's Accountability
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 is accountable for all personal information in its possession or control, including any personal information transferred to third parties for processing. Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 has established policies and procedures to comply with this Privacy Code, and has designated one or more persons accountable for compliance.
2. Identifying the Purposes of Collecting Personal Information
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will inform individuals of the purpose for which personal information will be used before or when they consent to its collection.
If you submit a mortgage application to Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 you are required to provide certain information necessary to deliver the selected services. Information can range from name, address, etc and can be as extensive as personal and financial information. The collection of this information is required in order to provide the necessary services.
3. Obtaining Consent
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will obtain consent before or when it collects, uses or discloses personal information about an individual. An individual can provide consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about them expressly, implicitly, or through an authorized representative. An individual can withdraw consent at any time, with certain exceptions. Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will collect, use or disclose personal information without an individual's consent only in limited circumstances as permitted by law.
4. Limits for Collecting Personal Information
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 limits the amount and type of personal information it collects. Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will collect personal information only for the identified purposes or as otherwise permitted by law.
5. Limits for Using, Disclosing and Keeping Personal Information
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law.
Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes. All information provided to the Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428, either on this website or through any other means of communication, is held to be confidential and may be released to other credit grantors as deemed necessary for the purpose of securing mortgage financing.
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 has taken extensive measures to ensure the confidentiality of your information and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.
6. Keeping Personal Information Accurate
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will keep the personal information in its possession or control accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 Individuals may challenge the accuracy and completeness of personal information about them at any time and have it amended as appropriate.
7. Safeguarding Personal Information
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 protects personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. The personal information that you provide will be kept in a file stored on our database(s) using database encryption and password protection. We also have organizational processes in place to limit access to your personal information to selected groups of individuals.
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 uses SSL and 128-bit encryption for data transmission.
8. Making Information about Policies and Procedures Available
Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will be open about the procedures used to manage personal information. Individuals will have access to information about these procedures through this Privacy Code, by contacting our Associates or by contacting the Privacy Officer. The information will be available in a format that is easy to understand.
9. Providing Access to Personal Information
When an individual requests it, Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will advise the individual what personal information Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 has in its possession or control about the individual, what it is being used for, and to whom it has been disclosed.
When an individual requests it, Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 will give an individual access to personal information about them which is in the possession or control of Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 . In certain situations, however, Mortgage Intelligence FSCO Lic 10428 may not be able to give individuals access to all of their personal information.
10. Handling Complaints and Questions
Customers may direct any questions or inquires with respect to the privacy principles outlined above or about our practices by contacting the designated person(s) accountable for privacy as indicated below.